Vintage style floral arrangement boho wedding burgundy blush pink roses
Vintage style floral arrangement boho wedding burgundy blush pink roses from

The Perfect Vintage Wedding

Vintage weddings are becoming increasingly popular, with couples wanting to add a romantic touch to their big day. From the decorations to the dresses, couples are seeking to capture the charm and timelessness of a vintage-inspired wedding. Choosing the right florals for your vintage wedding is an important factor in ensuring the overall look and feel of your day is exactly what you imagined.

When it comes to creating a vintage wedding, flowers can have a huge impact. Flowers have the power to bring the entire look of your day together, from the centerpieces to the bridal bouquet. While there are a variety of vintage floral arrangements that can be used, there are certain elements that make them stand out.

Creating The Perfect Vintage Floral Arrangements

The key to creating the perfect vintage floral arrangements is to use flowers that are in season, as these will be the most cost effective and will look the best. You should also consider the colours of your flowers and make sure they complement the overall colour scheme of your day. For a vintage-inspired wedding, look to use a variety of complementary colours such as blush, ivory and deep reds.

To create a truly vintage-inspired look, you should also look to use flowers that are associated with the era. Flowers such as roses, peonies, and hydrangeas are all perfect for creating a vintage feel. For a truly romantic touch consider adding some foliage to your arrangements. Ferns, ivy and eucalyptus are all popular types of foliage for vintage floral arrangements.

Unique Vintage Floral Arrangements

When it comes to creating unique vintage floral arrangements, there are a few things you can do to make sure your arrangements stand out. One of the most popular trends is to incorporate antique vessels into your arrangements. You can find antique vessels in a variety of shapes and sizes, from old tea cups to vintage vases. These vessels can be used to create unique centerpieces or as part of your bridal bouquet.

Another popular trend for vintage floral arrangements is to add a variety of textures. Look to incorporate a range of textures such as ribbons, lace, and burlap. These elements can be used to create a unique and eye-catching arrangement. You could even look to use vintage fabrics such as velvet or tulle to add a unique touch to your floral arrangements.

DIY Vintage Floral Arrangements

If you are looking to save some money on your wedding flowers, then creating your own vintage floral arrangements is a great option. It will take some time and effort, but it can also be a lot of fun. Start by gathering up some of your favourite vintage vessels, fabrics, and other elements. You can then begin to assemble your arrangements. There are a variety of online tutorials that can help you with this process.

Once you have your arrangements put together, you can then begin to add the flowers. Start by placing your foliage in the vessel of your choice and then adding the flowers. You may also want to add some decorative elements such as ribbon or lace. Once your arrangements are complete, you can then place them around your venue to create the perfect vintage look.

Tips and Tricks for Creating Vintage Floral Arrangements

When it comes to creating vintage floral arrangements, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to ensure your arrangements look their best. One of the most important tips is to make sure you use flowers that are in season, as these will be the most cost effective and will look the best. You should also consider the colours of your flowers and make sure they complement the overall colour scheme of your day. Finally, don’t forget to add a variety of textures to your arrangements to create a unique and eye-catching look.


Creating the perfect vintage floral arrangements for your wedding day can be a fun and rewarding experience. By choosing the right flowers and adding a variety of textures and elements, you can create the perfect vintage look for your day. With a little bit of time and effort, you can create beautiful arrangements that will add a romantic touch to your wedding day.