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Purple is the Color of Romance

When you think of romance, you may think of roses, chocolates, and candlelit dinners. But a truly romantic wedding requires a color palette that is as romantic and special as the couple. For centuries, purple has been the traditional color of royalty, and it has been a popular choice for weddings ever since. This year, couples are choosing to make their weddings extra special by including Pinterest-inspired purple wedding ideas into the mix.

Purple wedding ideas range from subtle pastel shades of lavender to bold, vibrant hues of violet. You can choose to incorporate purple into your wedding in a variety of ways, from table linens and bridesmaids' dresses to ceremony decorations and wedding favors. To help you get started on planning a Pinterest-inspired purple wedding, here are some of the best purple wedding ideas from Pinterest.

Purple Wedding Invitations

The invitation is the first thing your guests will see, so you want it to be special. Purple wedding invitations are a great way to set the tone for your wedding and let your guests know that your event will be a truly special one. Whether you choose to go with a classic purple invitation or one with an extra touch of sparkle and romance, you'll be sure to make a lasting impression.

For a classic look, opt for a simple, elegant design with a lavender border and a white cardstock base. For a more modern look, choose a bolder hue such as deep eggplant, and incorporate a bit of sparkle with a silver or gold foil design. Or, for a truly unique look, create an invitation that features a laser-cut design and a beautiful purple floral pattern.

Purple Bridesmaid Dresses

Your bridesmaids are an important part of your wedding party, so you want them to look their best. To create a beautiful, cohesive look for your bridesmaids, choose purple bridesmaid dresses in a range of shades from light lavender to deep eggplant. Choose a single shade for all of your bridesmaids, or mix and match different shades of purple to create a stunning look.

For a romantic look, select dresses with soft chiffon fabric and delicate lace details. Or, go with a more modern look with a sleek satin fabric and a simple silhouette. No matter what style you choose, your bridesmaids will look beautiful in purple dresses that match your wedding color scheme.

Purple Wedding Decorations

When it comes to decorating your wedding venue, purple decorations are the perfect way to bring your color scheme to life. Whether you choose to go with a subtle pastel hue or a bold, vibrant shade, you can use purple decorations to create a romantic and stunning atmosphere.

Start by decorating your tables with lavender table linens and deep purple napkins. Then, add a touch of sparkle with purple candles, champagne flutes, and vases filled with fresh lavender or lilacs. For a truly romantic look, hang string lights and sheer fabric from the ceiling to create a dreamy, romantic atmosphere.

Purple Wedding Favors

Your wedding favors will be a lasting reminder of your special day, so you want to choose something that is both useful and meaningful. For a unique and romantic wedding favor, opt for a purple-themed gift. Consider giving your guests lavender-scented candles, beautiful purple jewelry, or a bottle of wine with a personalized label.

If you are looking for something more creative, consider giving your guests a jar of homemade lavender sugar scrub or a bag of lavender-scented tea. You can also give them a bottle of purple bath salts or a lavender-scented soap. These thoughtful and unique favors will be sure to leave a lasting impression.

Purple Wedding Cakes

No wedding is complete without a cake, and a purple wedding cake is the perfect way to tie together your wedding color scheme. Choose a traditional white cake with a purple ombre frosting or go with a bolder look with a deep eggplant or violet cake. No matter what style you choose, your purple wedding cake will be sure to be a showstopper.

If you're looking for something a bit more creative, consider a cake with a unique design. An ombré cake with a white top and a purple bottom is a great way to add a bit of drama. You can also opt for a cake with a unique purple flower design or one that is decorated with edible lavender petals.

Purple Wedding Bouquets

Your bouquet is an important part of your wedding look, so you want it to be special. For a romantic look, choose a bouquet of lavender roses, calla lilies, or lilacs. Or, for a bolder look, opt for a vibrant bouquet of purple orchids, tulips, and daisies. No matter what style you choose, a purple wedding bouquet is sure to make your wedding photos look stunning.

If you're looking for something a bit more creative, consider adding a few unexpected elements to your bouquet. For a whimsical look, add a few purple feathers. Or, for a more rustic look, add a few sprigs of lavender or dried flowers.

Purple Wedding Shoes

Your wedding shoes are an important part of your wedding look, so you want to choose something that is both stylish and comfortable. For a romantic look, choose a pair of soft, pastel-colored flats or sandals. Or, for a bolder look, opt for a pair of purple heels or wedges. No matter what style you choose, purple wedding shoes will be sure to take your wedding look to the next level.

If you're looking for something a bit more creative, consider adding a few unexpected elements to your shoes. For a whimsical look, choose a pair of glittery purple heels, or opt for a pair of purple ankle boots for a more edgy look.


Purple is the perfect color for a romantic wedding, and Pinterest-inspired purple wedding ideas are a great way to make your wedding extra special. From purple wedding invitations and bridesmaid dresses to wedding decorations and favors, there are countless ways to incorporate this beautiful color into your wedding. So, if you're looking for something truly unique and romantic for your wedding, consider adding some Pinterest-inspired purple wedding ideas to your wedding plans.

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What You Need to Get Started

In 2023, creating a website is easier than ever. With the right tools, anyone can create a professional-looking website in no time. To get started, you'll need a domain name, a hosting plan, and a website builder. Once you have these three things, you can begin building your website.

Your domain name is your website's address. It's what people type into their browser to visit your website. When choosing a domain name, make sure it's short, memorable, and easy to spell. A good domain name should also be related to your business or organization.

Choosing a Hosting Plan

Once you have a domain name, you'll need to choose a hosting plan. Your hosting plan is what keeps your website online so people can access it 24/7. When choosing a hosting plan, you'll need to consider factors such as the size of your website, the amount of traffic it will receive, and the type of server you need.

When selecting a hosting plan, it's important to choose one that meets your needs. If you plan on having a lot of traffic coming to your website, for example, you'll need to choose a plan that offers more bandwidth. It's also important to make sure your hosting plan is reliable and offers good customer service.

Finding the Right Website Builder

Once you have your domain name and hosting plan in place, you'll need to find the right website builder for your project. A website builder is a tool that allows you to create a website without having to write any code. There are many different website builders available, and each one offers different features and tools.

When choosing a website builder, it's important to consider the type of website you're creating. Are you building a blog? An e-commerce store? A portfolio? Different website builders are better suited to different types of websites, so it's important to choose the right one for your project.

Designing Your Website

Once you have your domain name, hosting plan, and website builder in place, you can begin designing your website. When designing your website, you'll need to consider factors such as the style, layout, and content.

When selecting a style for your website, you'll need to think about the overall look and feel you want to create. Do you want a modern, minimalist design? Or a more traditional, classic look? Once you have a style in mind, you can begin choosing colors, fonts, and other design elements to create a cohesive look.

Creating Content for Your Website

Content is an important part of any website, and it's one of the most important elements when it comes to attracting and engaging visitors. To create content for your website, you'll need to consider factors such as the type of content you want to create, the topics you want to cover, and the tone and style of your content.

When creating content for your website, it's important to keep your visitors in mind. Your content should be informative, engaging, and relevant to your visitors. It should also be optimized for search engines so that your website can be easily found online.

Adding Images and Graphics

Images and graphics are a great way to add visual interest to your website and make it more engaging. When selecting images and graphics, it's important to choose ones that are high quality and relevant to your content.

When adding images and graphics to your website, make sure to optimize them for the web. This means reducing the file size of the images so that they load quickly and don't take up too much bandwidth. Once your images and graphics are optimized, you can add them to your website to create a more visually appealing look.